Thank you for checking out my homepage. As someone who loves to entertain, I encourage you to make a cup of tea and have a feet up while you’re here. I’d be curious to hear about your day and mine the interesting bits to discover what they say about you, your life and the world you live in.
Listening and observing have always been my natural bent, perhaps because I’m the youngest in a raucous family of five. When I was little, people called me ‘Happy,’ because I never talked, but I was always smiling. As far back as I can remember, strangers have felt very comfortable telling me about themselves.
My parents and teachers assumed I would become a writer and they were partly right. I love to create short fiction and have published several stories in literary magazines around the country. My screenplay, L’Ouevre, won Logline of the Year at the Wildsounds Film Festival. But I also love to perform.
By the time I got to Colorado College, this latent desire to act was so strong I burst out into one character role after another: Shirley, in The Fifth of July; Pinter’s Mrs. Sands; several of Christopher Durang’s broadest broads. In fact, I felt so much synchronicity with Mr. Durang’s absurdist world-view that I landed a role with at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in Scotland, playing The Nanny/Kate/The Principal in Baby With the Bathwater.
I had spent the year prior to the festival studying classical drama at The British American Drama Academy in London. When my time in Britain was done, I returned to the States to finish my undergraduate degree in history. I then continued my classical theatre studies at The Shakespeare Theater in Washington, D.C.
As I began putting all of the stagecraft I had learned into practice, I discovered, beyond comedy, that I relished playing Shakespeare’s royalty, as well as Will Eno’s lonely souls and Chekhov’s grasping gentry. If you’re curious, please check out the press page on my site to read some fun reviews from places I’ve performed.
My on-camera work includes a cross-section of doctors, religiously devout women, professors, political activists and scary moms, this last typecasting being not at all true to life. I have two boys and, believe me, they aren’t the least bit afraid of their mother. A virtual reality film I starred in, Queerskins: A Love Story, debuted at the Tribeca Film Festival in 2018. In the Spring of 2019, it won a Peabody Award for New Media. The second chapter of Queerskins: Ark, premiered at the Venice Bienale in 2020.
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