“Queerskins” is a four-episode cinematic virtual reality experience created by new media artist Illya Szilak and creative director Cyril Tsiboulski. Together, with the help of actors, panoramic photographers, volumetric technology, the “Queerskins” creative team brings to life the LGBTQ story about a complex relationship between a devoutly Catholic mother and her gay son who died of AIDS. Currently, the experience consists of an interactive online experience as well as VR experiences (with more episodes forthcoming). A vital narrative about memory, belief and imagination, “Queerskins” represents an approaching era which rightfully demands diversity and understanding between people. This is a story of humanity, not politics, that provides an overwhelming glimpse into a future of answering important questions by means of immersive technology.
– The Peabody Awards
American Festival Theatre, Edinburgh Fringe Festival
Hadley Boyd gives an excellent performance as nanny, who has most of the best lines, and delivers them with great panache.
– Aileen MacGillivray (The Scotsman)
Our Shoes Are Red/Theater Lab, Portland, OR
“Hadley Boyd, however, finds an effective way to deliver the heartbreaking joke, the whimsy of dangling over the void. In "Enter the Spokeswoman, Gently," as an airline employee handling the awkward post-crash press conference, she flits between trepidation and cheeriness, somehow settling into an oddly optimistic resignation. In the title segment, "Oh, the Humanity," Boyd plays a woman stuck en route to a christening (or, possibly, a funeral) and makes Eno's predilection for lists of random observations and questions sound like the language of free-floating anxiety.”
– Marty Hughley (The Oregonian)
Post5 Theater, Portland, OR
Hadley Boyd as Gertrude gives a stellar, no-frills performance, proving that less is more.
– Holly Johnson (The Oregonian)
Hadley Boyd is a talented actress and, as Carrie Chapman Catt, breathes a strong, engaging life into both the character and the entire second act. As her co-campaigner Harriett, Mary Sheridan offers a sweet and supportive characterization that holds its own with Chapman-Catts’ smart and determined Carrie. As Carrie’s southern nemesis Josephine, Brittyn Dion Bonham creates a full and effective character of a sincere young woman who is steeped in the racist traditions of her upbringing…Her scenes with Chapman Catt are the best in the show.
- By Kevin Vavasseur (Stage and Screen, Theater NY)